Many stories begin in local tavern across Netheros Prime as innkeepers encourage small, diverse groups of strangers to gather in small "parties" at their establishments within earshot of all sorts of conspirators.
STEP 1 - ALIGNMENT Are you here to start some mess or stop it?
STEP 2 - SPECIES How hairy and angular are your various parts?
Next, choose your character class from the options here or roll a d8 if you dare:
STEP 3 - CLASS What do you want to be when you grow up?
STEP 4 - ABILITY SCORES How bright are your bulbs?
STEP 5 - POWERS Do you have any upgrades?
Next, choose whether your character will be a hero, a villain, or an impartial observer. Save for a few commercially zoned city-states, Netheros Prime is far from a polite society. It's expected that for every village of squishy peasant farmers minding their own business there is a jagged-toothed sorcerer in the nearby woods waiting for an opportunity to steal their sacred bean and bonk an elder on the head with his staff. Your background is determined according to your alignment. Selection from the list below or let a d6 decide:
STEP 4 - ABILITY SCORES How bright are your bulbs?
STEP 5 - POWERS Do you have any upgrades?
Next, choose whether your character will be a hero, a villain, or an impartial observer. Save for a few commercially zoned city-states, Netheros Prime is far from a polite society. It's expected that for every village of squishy peasant farmers minding their own business there is a jagged-toothed sorcerer in the nearby woods waiting for an opportunity to steal their sacred bean and bonk an elder on the head with his staff. Your background is determined according to your alignment. Selection from the list below or let a d6 decide:
Select your character's species from these various inhabitants of Netheros Prime, or if you dare, first, roll a d8 on the REGION chart:
Next, select your character's species from these various inhabitants of Netheros Prime, or if you dare, roll a d12 on the region-specific SPECIES chart:
The description of each species includes traits that are common to members of that species as described in the following categories.
Ability Score Increase. Every species details adjustments for one or more of a character’s ability scores.
Age. The age entry provides a brief description of each species' typical lifecycle. You can choose any age within the described range for your character.
Alignment. Many species have tendencies toward certain alignments, described in this entry. These are not binding for players but can help you better define your character.
Size. Most characters are Medium, roughly 4 to 8 feet tall, while a few species are Small, between 2 and 4 feet tall. Certain rules affect Small creatures differently, such as the limitation on wielding heavy weapons explained in the Weapons & Equipment section. The random measurement tables provided are optional.
Speed and Movement. Your speed determines how far you can move when traveling as described in the Adventuring rules, and Combat. Other movement restrictions and advantages may apply.
Languages. By virtue of your species, your character can speak, read, and write certain languages.
Ability Score Increase. Every species details adjustments for one or more of a character’s ability scores.
Age. The age entry provides a brief description of each species' typical lifecycle. You can choose any age within the described range for your character.
Alignment. Many species have tendencies toward certain alignments, described in this entry. These are not binding for players but can help you better define your character.
Size. Most characters are Medium, roughly 4 to 8 feet tall, while a few species are Small, between 2 and 4 feet tall. Certain rules affect Small creatures differently, such as the limitation on wielding heavy weapons explained in the Weapons & Equipment section. The random measurement tables provided are optional.
Speed and Movement. Your speed determines how far you can move when traveling as described in the Adventuring rules, and Combat. Other movement restrictions and advantages may apply.
Languages. By virtue of your species, your character can speak, read, and write certain languages.
Next, choose your character class from the options here or roll a d8 if you dare:
Each class grants you access to various abilities.
If you're eligible, next choose your power(s) from those presented on the POWERS page, or from any in the Nether Regionz Quarterly.
As your character completes quests and overcomes challenges, they gain experience, represented by Experience Points. A character who reaches a specified experience point total advances in capability. This advancement is called gaining a level as detailed in the chart below.
When your character gains a level, their class grants additional features as detailed in the class description, including increased Proficiency Bonuses, and Ability Scores (capped at 20).
Your character also gains an additional Hit Die with each level. Roll that Hit Die, add your Constitution modifier to the roll, and add the total to your hit point maximum. When your Constitution modifier increases by 1, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained. For example, if your 7th-level Fighter has a Constitution score of 17, when he reaches 8th level, he increases his Constitution score from 17 to 18. thus increasing his Constitution modifier from +3 to +4. His hit point maximum then increases by 8.
Is a character muscle-bound but not that bright? Charming, yet dense? Nimble but a little dopey? The six ability scores provide a quick description of your character’s physical and mental qualities. Roll 4d6 six times, keeping the 3 highest dice, and assign the results to the following abilities as you see fit, then apply your racial bonuses:
- Strength, measuring physical power
- Dexterity, measuring agility
- Constitution, measuring endurance
- Intelligence, measuring reasoning and memory
- Wisdom, measuring Perception and Insight
- Charisma, measuring force of personality
See the Ability Scores page for complete rules on applying these scores.
If you're eligible, next choose your power(s) from those presented on the POWERS page, or from any in the Nether Regionz Quarterly.
When your character gains a level, their class grants additional features as detailed in the class description, including increased Proficiency Bonuses, and Ability Scores (capped at 20).
Your character also gains an additional Hit Die with each level. Roll that Hit Die, add your Constitution modifier to the roll, and add the total to your hit point maximum. When your Constitution modifier increases by 1, your hit point maximum increases by 1 for each level you have attained. For example, if your 7th-level Fighter has a Constitution score of 17, when he reaches 8th level, he increases his Constitution score from 17 to 18. thus increasing his Constitution modifier from +3 to +4. His hit point maximum then increases by 8.