Warriors are, you know, the folks that do all the warring: soldiers, mercenaries, bodyguards, henchman, minions, troops, etc. Warriors develop their combat skills training with standing armies, bandit hoards, training academies, or lone crackpots who’ve stockpiled food and weapons in their remote bunkers. Warriors are self starters but also work well in a team environment. The best ones have gnarly facial scars and a twitch.

As a Warrior, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points
Hit Dice: 1d10 per Warrior level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d12 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per Warrior level after 1st

Starting Proficiencies
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons, firearms, explosives
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Constitution
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, Pilot, and Survival

Starting Equipment
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) chain mail or (b) leather armor, longbow, and 20 arrows
  • (a) a martial weapon and a shield or (b) two martial weapons
  • (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) two handaxes or (c) a blaster pistol.
  • (a) a dungeoneer’s pack or (b) an explorer’s pack

The Warrior
LevelProficiency BonusFeatures
1+2Fighting Style, Second Wind
2+2Action Surge (1x)
3+2Improved Critical
4+2Ability Score Improvement
5+3Extra Attack (x1)
6+3Ability Score Improvement
7+3Remarkable Athlete
8+3Ability Score Improvement
9+4Indomitable (x1)
10+4Additional Fighting Style
11+4Extra Attack (x2)
12+4Ability Score Improvement

Fighting Style
At first level, choose one of the following options.
  • Archery: You gain a +2 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons.
  • Defense: While you are wearing armor, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.
  • Dueling: When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +2 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon.
  • Great Weapon Fighting: When you roll a 1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon that you are wielding with two hands, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll, even if the new roll is a 1 or a 2. The weapon must have the two-handed or versatile property for you to gain this benefit.
  • Protection: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield.
  • Two-Weapon Fighting: When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your ability modifier to the damage of the second attack.

Second Wind
At first level, on your turn, you can use a bonus action to regain hit points equal to 1d10 + your Warrior level. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again.

Action Surge
Starting at second level, on your turn, you can take one additional action on top of your regular action and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. Starting at 17th level, you can use it twice before a rest, but only once on the same turn.

Improved Critical
Starting at 3rd level, your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.

Ability Score Improvement
When you reach 4th level, and again at 6th, 8th, and 12th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability Scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. The number of attacks increases to three when you reach 11th level in this class.

Remarkable Athlete
Starting at 7th level, you can add half your proficiency bonus (round up) to any Strength, Dexterity or Constitution check you make that doesn't already use your proficiency bonus. In addition, when you make a running long jump, the distance you can cover increases by a number of feet equal to your Strength modifier.

Beginning at 9th level, you can reroll a saving throw that you fail. If you do so, you must use the new roll, and you can't use this feature again until you finish a long rest.

Additional Fighting Style
At 10th level, you can choose a second option from the Fighting Style class feature.

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