“A piss is worth a thousand barks.” - Woof proverb

In the savage northland wilderness of Sajak Prime, in an icy lake, lies the Island of Dr. Island. Birthplace of the woofs; rugged dogpersons concocted just a century ago in the laboratory of the legendary Dr. Island. While his powerful wizard and scientist rivals assembled armies of android super soldiers, he raised his forces the old fashioned way: through wolf/dog and human hybrid genetic experimentation. Now that their master has disappeared into history, generations of his children carry on, rediscovering their inner canine, enthusiastically patrolling their marked territory and squabbling over dominance and meat.

Woof packs are tightly knit and cooperative. Their dens and encampments are spartan; thick mats for furniture, ever meal served in metal dish, sometimes fresh meat other times, kibble. And you’ve got to do your business out past the watchtower.

Though their general appearance is that of a bipedal wolf or husky, other varieties of canines found their way into Dr. Island’s mixing bowl, from bulldogs and bloodhounds, to foxes and coyotes. Woofs have big paw-like feet, rough coats, tails, claws, scary teeth, eight nipples, and a wet, floppy tongue.

Woof Traits

Your Woof character has some canid qualities infused from their experimental lineage.

Ability Score Increase. Some woofs are lean and agile, others are burley. Choose either your Constitution or Dexterity score to increase by 1.

Age. Woofs physically mature seven times faster than humans, reaching adulthood by age 3. However, their emotional development is at a similar pace. Those full grown pups can be a hand full. They tend not to live past 75.

Alignment. Woofs were engineered to operate in packs and as soldiers, but their wild ancestors may burst through, so any alignment really. Be you.

Size. Woofs are somewhat larger and denser than humans, averaging near 6 feet tall and around 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.

58 + 3d6"
165 + 5d10 lb.

Speed and Movement. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Pack Tactics. Woofs have advantage on attack rolls against a creature if at least one of the woof's allies are within 5 feet of the creature and the ally isn't incapacitated.
Keen Senses. The woof has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing and smell.
Husky. You are furry and used to harsh conditions and have resistance to cold damage.
Glandular Insight. Once per long rest, by way of a deep sniff of a creature’s hindquarters within 5 feet, woof characters can double their proficiency bonus for an insight check. If the creature decides to avoid the sniff, you still gain the doubled proficiency bonus, but roll at disadvantage.
Territorial Markings. The woof can urinate on an object to communicate simple ideas to other woofs that happen within 50 feet of the marked object. Such as “head east”, “proceed carefully”, “look up”, “do not pass”, or “Help, Timmy’s stuck in a well!”
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and can communicate your disposition to canids by way of a howl and a knowing nod. And the piss thing.

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