Firebellys are little green frog people with the customary webbed digits and amphibiousness. While they mostly keep to themselves in the quiet bog villages of the Lower Zolkron Valley, an occasional young upstart will head out to show off his leaping ability and long tongue. Though small in stature, if you push a firebelly's buttons, they have the ability to fire up their bright red necksack in an intimidating manner even though that's not how actual frogs use their necksacks. Their agility, submersibility, and lack of footwear makes them some of the sneakiest rogues and scouts.

Firebelly Traits

Firebellys have certain characteristics in common with all other frog folk.
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Firebellys mature a faster than humans, reaching adulthood around age 12. They rarely live longer than 60 years..
Alignment. Firebellys are typically good in nature. As a small, squishy people, they aren't big on war. Most are playfully chaotic.
Size. Firebellys are between 3 and 4 feet tall and average about 50 pounds. Your size is Small.

36 + 3d4"
45 + 1d10 lb.

Speed and Movement. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your swim speed of 30 feet.
Darkvision. Accustomed to life if swampy burrows, you have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light.
Amphibious. You can breathe air and water.
Slippery. You have advantage on all Dexterity saving throws against being grappled or ensnared.
Standing Leap. The firebelly’s long jump is up to 20 feet and its high jump is up to 10 feet, with or without a running start.
Inflatable Necksack. As a bonus action once per short or long rest, you can inflate your necksack for up to 1 minute, until you die, or until you decide to deflate it. While inflated, you gain temporary hit points equal to your level + your Constitution modifier (minimum of 1 temporary hit point). Your strength increases by 2 and you have the intimidation skill.
Prehensile Tongue. You have proficiency with your tongue and can use it to make grapple attacks on enemies within 10. When you’ve successfully grappled a creature smaller than you, you can use a bonus action to pull it up to ten feet toward you. If the creature is bigger than you, you can use a bonus action to pull yourself up to ten feet toward it. Your tongue can also be used for simple, abrupt manual tasks within range such as grabbing a tool, closing a door, or pulling off a substitute teachers wig. Delicate operations such as picking up keys quietly or grabbing a bucket of water without spilling it are impossible. Your tongue has an effective strength of 3.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and communicate simple words and phrases to frogs and other firebellys with croaks.

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